Saturday, June 19, 2010

363 Days to Go: Credit Card Free

Balanced our checkbook. We're definitely short. It's tough being down one income. Things just seem so much more expensive nowadays. I go to the store and spend on average $150 a week and that's for 2-3 people eating... wait until the boys gets bigger. And, worse yet, when the boys bring over their friends!

In any case, so far, so good, but I know this can't last long. If any of you want to join me on this challenge I would love the moral support!

This is also going to force me to eat ALL of our leftovers and to really empty out our pantry before restocking. Have you all noticed how much stuff accumulates in those pantries??? They are awesome for organizational purposes, but unless there is the threat of an atomic bomb, I really don't need 5 cans of beets.

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